Tim Weger, born and raised in Saskatchewan, now lives with his adult son here in Nanaimo. At only 5 years old, Tim sang his first solo. He was so small a Minister held him on the pulpit so the congregation could see. Learning on an old pump organ, he started playing piano/organ by ear when just 8 years old. Music has always been his joy, singing, playing the piano, organ – anything with a keyboard, leading youth choirs at just 16 years of age, singing and playing piano on National TV, winning competitions, competing in the top 19 Canadian Yamaha organ finalists in Toronto. Tim brings with him extensive knowledge in church music, has been sought after Canada wide, to lead congregations in worship. He puts his heart and soul into his music, believing that you’re singing to God, Who - takes us as we are, with what talents we have, and though He doesn’t require it, deserves no less than the best we can give from our hearts. Together, we can make the rafter’s ring and/or quietly sing along in harmony with the sounds of nature, God has blessed us with.
Monday Closed
Tue to Fri 9:30AM - Noon
and 1PM - 3PM